sábado, Ene 18 2025 6:48AM


Echoes from the deep dream dominions

Culturizate: Juegos Indie que deberías probar.

Hoy, mientras navego por TigSource me encuentro con un listado de un montón de juegos que todo jugador que quiere conocer el mundillo indie debería probar.

¡Que menos que compartirlo con vosotros!

Juegos Indie que deberías probar

5 Days a Stranger (Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw, PC)
6 Days A Sacrifice (Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw, PC)
7 Days a Skeptic (Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw, PC)

Akuji the Demon (E. Hashimoto, PC)
Alex adventure (Szybiak, PC)
Alien Hominid (The Behemoth, Web-Otros)
Anchorhead (Michael S. Gentry, PC-Mac-Lin-Otros)
Apricots (Mark Harman, PC-Lin)
Armadillo run (Peter Stock, PC)
Ark 22 (David Smithson, PC)
Aveyond (Amaranth Games, PC)

Battle for Wesnoth, The (Collective, PC-Mac)
Big Adventure of Owata's Life, The (Por determinar, Web)
Blockland (Step 1 games, PC-Mac)
Blocksum (Infotech, PC)
Blurred Line, A (Lysander86, PC)
Bridge Builder (Chronic logic, PC)
Bubble thing (Queasy games, PC-Mac-Lin)

Castle of Elite (Remar, PC)
Cave Story (Pixel, PC)
Chalk (Joakim Sandberg, PC)
Chocolate Castle (Lexaloffle, PC-Mac)
Cholo (Ovine by Design, PC)
Clean Asia (cactus, PC)
Cloud (Student Collective, PC)
Cortex Command (Data Realms, PC)
Crayon Physics (Petri Purho, PC)
Crossing, The (Orisinal, Web)
Cute Knight (Hanako Games, PC)

Darwinia (Introversion, PC-Mac-Lin)
De Blob (Collective, PC)
Death Worm (JTR, PC)
Defcon (Introversion, PC-Mac-Lin)
Democracy (Positech, PC)
Diver Down (Grenideer, PC)
DoomRL (Kornel Kisielewicz, PC-Lin-Otros)
Dwarf Fortress (Bay 12 games, PC)

Echoes (Binary Zoo, PC)
Eets (Klei Entertainment, PC-Otros)
Endless Forest (Tale of tales, PC)
Eternal Daughter (Blackeye Software, PC)

Façade (Procedural Arts, PC)
Fedora Spade (Radical Poesis Games, PC)
FlapFlapFlap (Lackey, PC)
flOw (thatgamecompany, Web)
Fraxy (Mon, PC)

Galatea (Emily Short, PC-Mac-Lin-Web-Otros)
Gamma Bros. (Pixel Jam, Web)
Geshundheit (Matt Hammill, PC)
Gish (Chronic Logic, PC-Mac-Lin)
Glest (Collective, PC)
Grid Wars (Marco Incitti, PC-Mac-Lin)
Grow (v0.3) (Eyezmaze, Web)
Guardian of Paradise (E. 'Buster' Hashimoto , PC)
Gunroar (ABA games, PC)

Hakaiman (Ikiki, PC)

Immortal Defense (Radical Poesis Games, PC)
Infinity String, The (Sektor 13, PC)

Kudos (Positech, PC)
Kudos: Rock legend (Positech, PC)
Knytt (Nifflas, PC)

La Mulana (GR3, PC)
Liero (Joosa Riekkinen, PC)
Lugaru (Wolfire Games, PC-Mac-Lin)
Lyle in the Cube Sector (Bogo, PC)

Masq (Alteraction, PC)
Missing (Radical poesis games, PC)
Motocross Challenge (DHG Games, Otros)
Mr. Blocko (Perfect Run, PC)
Mr. Robot (Moonpod, PC)
Mutant Storm (Pom Pom Games, PC-Mac-Lin-Otros)

N (Metanet Software, Web)
Ninkujin (Ikiki, PC)
No-Action Jackson (Britton O'Toole, PC)
Noitu Love & the Army of Grinning Darns (Joakim Sandberg, PC)
Notrium (Monkkonen, PC-Lin)

Oasis (Mind Control software, PC)
Outpost Kaloki (Ninja Bee, PC)

Peacemaker (Impact Games, PC-Mac)
Penumbra (Frictional Games, PC)
Photopia (Adam Cadre, PC)
Poyo (Avalanche Studios, PC)
Punishment (Messhoff, PC)

Rameses (Stephen Bond)
Retrobattle (Daniel Remar, PC)
rRootage (ABA Games (Kenta Cho), PC)

Samorost (Amanita design, Web)
Samorost 2 (Amanita design, Web-PC-Mac-Lin)
Seiklus (Clysm, PC)
Shiva, The (Dave Gilbert, PC)
Shoot the Bullet (Team Shanghai Alice, PC) [demo link anyone?]
Spider and Web (Andrew Plotkin, PC-Mac-Lin-Otros)
Stair Dismount (Jetro Lauha, PC)
Starscape (Moonpod, PC)
Sumotori Dreams (Archee83, PC)
Sunset Over Imdahl (H3Who, PC)
Sword of Jade (Radical Poesis Games, PC)

Tale in the Desert, A (eGenesis, PC-Mac-Lin)
Toribash (Hampa, PC-Mac-Lin)
Trilby's Notes (Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw, PC)
Truck Dismount (Jetro Lauha, PC)
Tumiki Fighters (ABA games, PC)

Uplink (Introversion, PC-Mac-Lin)

Varicella (Adam cadre, PC)
Veck (Smayds, PC)

Warning Forever (Hikoza'n Chi, PC)
Weaponed Head (Collective, PC)
Within A Deep Forest (Nifflas' Games, PC)

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